

An ambient mesh can be expanded to form a single mesh across multiple Kubernetes clusters.

Support for multi-cluster mesh is available in Gloo Mesh, an enterprise distribution of ambient mesh.


A number of steps must be taken before an ambient mesh can be linked to other clusters. These changes can all safely be made to individual installations. Following these steps when ambient mesh is installed, even if you are not sure if you will need to link multiple clusters, can help make adopting multi-cluster mesh easier in the future.

Shared root of trust

Each cluster in the mesh must have a shared root of trust. This can be achieved by providing a root certificate signed by a corporate CA, or a custom root certificate created for this purpose. That certificate signs a unique intermediate CA certificate for each cluster.

Read the Istio documentation on plugging in CA certificates to learn how to provide these certificates when installing a cluster.

Installation options

A few installation options must be customized in order to link clusters. These should be provided in a file passed in with --values when installing Istio with Helm.

During the installation of the istiod chart:

  # Optional: giving each cluster a unique trust domain allows writing policies about specific cluster.
  # Without this set, AuthorizationPolicies cannot distinguish which cluster a request is from
  trustDomain: "my-cluster.local"
  # Identifies the cluster by a name. This is strongly recommended to be set to a unique value for each cluster.
    clusterName: "my-cluster"
  # The name of the 'network' for the cluster. It is recommended to keep this the same as clusterName.
  network: "my-cluster"
  # Enables assigning multi-cluster services an IP address
  # Required if you have distinct trust domains per-cluster
# Required to enable multi-cluster support
    enabled: true

During the installation of the ztunnel chart:

  # Required if you have distinct trust domains per-cluster
# Must match the setting during Istio installation
network: "my-cluster"

During the installation of the istio-cni chart:

# Enables assigning multi-cluster services an IP address
  dnsCapture: true

After installing, ensure the istio-system namespace is labeled with the network name chosen above:

$ kubectl label namespace istio-system

Deploy an East-West Gateway

While an ingress gateway serves traffic from clients outside the mesh, an east-west gateway facilitates traffic between cluster joined in the same mesh. Before clusters can be linked together, a gateway must be deployed in each cluster.

This can be done with istioctl:

$ istioctl multicluster expose --namespace istio-gateways

This gateway can also be deployed manually, or with your regular deployment tooling. istioctl multicluster expose --namespace istio-gateways --generate will generate a YAML manifest that can then be applied to the cluster directly. It is recommended to not change any values except the name, namespace, and label, which must match the values set during installation.

$ istioctl multicluster expose --namespace istio-gateways --generate
kind: Gateway
  labels: "15012" "my-network"
  name: istio-eastwest
  namespace: istio-gateways
  gatewayClassName: istio-eastwest
  - name: cross-network
    port: 15008
    protocol: HBONE
      mode: Passthrough
  - name: xds-tls
    port: 15012
    protocol: TLS
      mode: Passthrough

Linking clusters

Linking clusters enables cross-cluster service discovery and enables traffic to traverse across cluster boundaries. Before linking clusters, you should ensure each cluster you want to configure is set in you kubeconfig file. You can view the list of clusters currently configured with kubectl config get-contexts.

If you have multiple kubeconfig files you need to join into one, you can run KUBECONFIG=kubeconfig1.yaml:kubeconfig2.yaml:kubeconfig3.yaml kubectl config view --flatten to get a merge file.

Linking clusters is as simple as:

$ istioctl multicluster link --contexts=context1,context2,context3 --namespace istio-gateways

This command will bi-directionally link the 3 configured clusters to one-another. Now you are ready to send traffic across clusters!

A few alternative operations are available.

Below will generate an asymmetrical topology, where cluster alpha can reach cluster beta, but beta cannot reach alpha.

$ istioctl multicluster link --from alpha --to beta

As above, the --generate flag can be used to output YAML that can be applied to clusters directly:

$ istioctl multicluster link --generate --context target-cluster | kubectl apply -f - --context=source-cluster
$ istioctl multicluster link --generate --context source-cluster | kubectl apply -f - --context=target-cluster

Exposing a Service across clusters

When you want a Service to be reachable from other clusters, all you need to do is label the service:

$ kubectl label service hello-world

Exposing a service doesn’t change the semantics of the existing service. Rather, it creates a new service derived from the service, with the union of endpoints of the service across all clusters.

Each multi-cluster service gets a hostname of the form <name>.<namespace>.mesh.internal (mirroring the <name>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local naming scheme of standard Services).

Multi-cluster ambient mesh adheres to the principal of namespace sameness - that is, a Service named hello-world in the application namespace in Cluster 1 is equivalent to the Service hello-world Service in the application namespace in Cluster 2.


A global service is created if any cluster exposes it. This service has the union of endpoints of each cluster that exposes the same service.

Below shows a complete table of possible states:

Local Cluster Service Remote Cluster Service Result
No service-scope
No service-scope
No global service created
None Exists
Global service exists
Remote endpoints
No service-scope
Global service exists
Remote endpoints
Global service exists
Local and remote endpoints
None Global service exists
Local endpoints
Service exists but does not have service-scope=global Global service exists
Local endpoints

Traffic control

By default, traffic will be configured to remain in the same network when possible. If there are no healthy endpoints available locally, traffic will be sent to remote networks. An endpoint is considered “healthy” if the Pod is “ready”.

Traffic can be controlled further with the annotation on a Service:

  • PreferClose can be set to prefer traffic as close as possible, taking into account zone, region, and network. Note this can also be set as .spec.trafficDistribution, as this is a standard Kubernetes options.
  • PreferNetwork can be set to prefer traffic within the same network. This is the default for global services.
  • PreferRegion can be set to prefer traffic as close as possible, taking into account region and network.
  • Any can be set to consider all endpoints equally.
Currently, traffic control from Envoy-based data planes (ingress gateway, waypoints, and sidecars) follows the Istio locality load balancing semantics. While the same behaviors can be defined, they are done with a different configuration. See the Istio documentation for more information.